Exploring The Stress-Disease Connection

Revealing The 7 Steps To Recovery

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Webinar Host Kyle Davies

Kyle Davies is a Chartered Psychologist, mind-body therapist, speaker, and author. He has spent the last 15 years working in collaboration with doctors and other healthcare professionals successfully treating chronic bodily distress symptoms and syndromes including Fibromyalgia, ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome and Adrenal Fatigue. 



Do you feel frustrated with having symptoms that your doctor can’t seem to explain or solve? Maybe you’ve had lots of tests and even tried lots of treatments and you are still struggling to manage your symptoms. It can seem as though you’ve tried everything and there’s no real light at the end of the tunnel, even when something seems to work you often relapse and find yourself back at square one. It can feel as if no-one really understands what you are going through. Do you find that you fear symptoms and dread what the future holds if you can’t find some way of regaining your health? What you want more than anything else is to get your health back so you can get your life back. 

While there is currently no consensus within the medical community on the underlying cause of chronic fatigue and pain conditions such as CFS, Adrenal Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia, cutting edge advances in the Stress-Disease Framework of health and wellness offer us not only a comprehensive picture of probable cause, but also a route back to optimal health.
In this webinar you will discover:
  • How HPA-axis dysfunction and irregularities with the endocrine, immune and autonomic nervous systems create symptoms of fatigue, pain, cognitive impairment, stomach and bowel complaint
  • What needs to happen now in order to allow your body to begin the process of self-healing
  • The hidden obstacles keeping you trapped in a cycle of symptoms
  • The 7 steps to recovery - what you can begin doing today to get you back on the road to recovery.